Local Favorites:

Local Farmer’s Market:

Warrenton Farmer's Market

Local CSA:

Starstead Farm

Local Meat:

Rucker Farm

Whiffletree Farm

Local Health Food Stores and Deli:

Natural Marketplace


Warrenton Wellness Kitchen (delicious soups and meals to take home)

Homemade Borth

Dutch Meadows Farm

Petra’s Pantry:

Celtic sea salt (at your local health food store)

Herbamare (at your local health food store)


Olive oil

Pumpkin seed oil

Jam (at your local health food store)

Rice pasta (at your local health food store)

Pasta sauce

Rolled oats (at your local health food store or grocery store)

Kitchari Kit

Crackers (at your local grocery store)

Lavash (at your local health food store)

Simple Kneads GF bread

Vital Farms eggs (at your local grocery store)

Trader Joe’s

Almond flour tortilla

Everything but the bagel seasoning
